The Latest of Cell Therapy: Healing vs. Hype
Sep 16 - Virtual Event

Cell therapy, an idea that originated in the 19 th century, has nonetheless caught the world by a whirlwind of hope for treating cancers and fighting some of the toughest humankind diseases on Earth. Despite billions of dollars invested in its research, however, its translational outcomes have remained elusive. Only a handful of therapeutics have been approved by regulatory agencies, mostly in stem cell therapy. Large-scale manufacturing of cell therapy products proves to be challenging due to the intricacies of the manufacturing process. In addition, many unapproved products in the market remain in legal and moral quagmire.

The purpose of this panel is to bring to you a realistic check-in on the latest progress of cell therapy and assess its future directions. We are honored to have Eddie Eltoukhy (’13 PhD) from Senti Bio and Pear VC and Shannon Dahl (SB ’99), a veteran company builder in cell therapy who has been named the 2018 PharmaVOICE 100 list of the most transformational, influential, and inspirational leaders in the global healthcare and life sciences industry.

We are aiming for a 40-50min panel discussion, followed by a 10-20 min breakout room networking session.



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Event Closed

Date and Time

Thursday, September 16, 2021
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM PT

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Virtual Event

Primary Contact

Richard Zhang, PhD


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280 Mt Hamilton Rd, San Jose, CA, 95140

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