Brain Teaser

Question Lin, Malik, Nia, Ophelia, and Pradeep live on different streets in the same neighborhood.   The following informatio


Question All circles in the dartboard have the same center. Each circle has half the radius of the previous circle. The colors alt


Question Two squares with side lengths 4 and 6 are arranged side by side. Which value is the closest to the area of the yellow reg


Question Edgar and Beatrix are playing the “100” game, with the following rules: What is the measure of the green angl


Question You have one container that holds 15 liters and another that holds 9 liters. The larger container already has 11 liters o


Question Areas Each number inside a colored region is the area of that region. What is the value of x? 17 18 19 20


Question The four puzzle pieces in the image fit into the 4×4 grid without rotation or reflection. Based on these clues, find


Question The fuel used to propel spaceships can’t depend on atmospheric oxygen as a reactant, since they might not be operat


Question Your twin leaves you on Earth and flies away at 0.8c0.8c0.8c, then turns around nearly instantaneously and returns at the


Question Angles of the same color have the same measure. What is the measure of the green angle? 30° 35° 40° 45°


Question A young mouse is weighing an important decision.   The sound of human footsteps is approaching, and the mouse needs


Question How many squares in this grid contain the orange square? 14, 18, 19, 55  

1 2 17 18 19 20

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