Affiliate Event
Solving from Anywhere
Jul 07 - Virtual Event

Solving from Anywhere

Don’t forget to register for the second installment of Solving from Anywhere taking place on Tuesday, July 7 from 12:00-1:00pm ET. This is a highly curated interactive webinar series featuring social impact leaders and innovators from around the globe.

Solving from Anywhere is a highly curated interactive speaker series featuring social impact innovators and leaders from around the world. Speakers will share expert insights, showcasing innovative solutions and the power of partnerships around Solve’s Global Challenges, including health, sustainability, economic prosperity, and learning. This series will spark inspiration, conversation, and new ideas for you to take action and create partnerships —whether you tune in from home, the office, or anywhere.

Moral Leadership to Solve World Challenges will feature Jacqueline Novogratz, Founder and CEO, Acumen; Sindhuja Jeyabal, Co-Founder and CTO, Solver Dost Education; Anna Bertmar Khan, Acting Director, Program, Dubai Cares; and Alex Amouyel, Executive Director, MIT Solve. You will have an opportunity to submit your own questions during the interactive Q&A session with each of our speakers.

We look forward to seeing you there!



MIT COVID-19 Response Funds

In exchange for the value you receive from this event, we ask that you make a donation (in an amount of your choosing) to the MIT Covid-19 Response Funds.



Funds will support:

MIT COVID-19 Research Fund

Gifts to support MIT’s response to help with the Covid-19 crisis, including providing equipment, space, expertise, and other resources to local area hospitals and other health care providers. Contributions to this fund will supplement Institute resources that are already being applied to these immediate medical needs including through the Medical Outreach and Crisis Management Team led by Professor Elazer Edelman, such as donations of personal protective equipment. Gifts will also support the work of Project Manus under Professor Martin Culpepper for projects including the design and mass manufacture of disposable face shields.

MIT COVID-19 Emergency Fund

Gifts to support MIT faculty and researchers addressing various aspects of the Covid-19 pandemic, including vaccine development, portable ventilators, AI solutions, and improved protective equipment.

MIT Alums:

Please make sure you are a current member of your local club before registering. If you are unsure please ask your club representative or if you would like to join MIT Club of Northern California, click here.


Event Closed

Date and Time

Tuesday, July 07, 2020
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM PT

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MIT Solve

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Bike Ride: Mount Hamilton and Lick Observatory

Bike Ride: Mount Hamilton and Lick Observatory

Sat, Jul 27 9:00 am PT

280 Mt Hamilton Rd, San Jose, CA, 95140

Info and Registration

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