”Reimagine SF” Hackathon w/ MIT alum & SF Council Member
Oct 02 - San Francisco

Are you passionate about the future of San Francisco and eager to make a positive impact on the city we call home? Join us for the "ReimagineSF Hackathon," with fellow MIT alum who has served 7 years as SF City Council member. This special event brings together the brightest hands and minds to collaborate on solutions for a cleaner, safer, and more livable San Francisco.

The past few years have been challenging for our beloved city, with the COVID-19 pandemic presenting unprecedented obstacles. As we look towards the future, it's crucial to explore innovative strategies and ideas to revitalize San Francisco and ensure its long-term sustainability.

This hackathon is a unique opportunity to:

  1. Collaborate with San Francisco City Council Member: We are honored to have Ahsha Safai, elected official of San Francisco and MIT alum, as part of this event. He will provide valuable insights into the feasibility of proposed strategies and ideas the group has and share his vision for a better San Francisco. 
  2. Engage with MIT Alumni: San Francisco boasts a vibrant community of MIT alumni who are eager to contribute their expertise and creative thinking to the city's revitalization. This hackathon serves as a forum for them to come together, share ideas, and drive meaningful change.
  3. Address Real-World Challenges: Participants will tackle pressing issues such as cleanliness, safety, and livability. Can we really bring the city back and to its glory days? Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a data analyst, an urban planner, or simply a concerned citizen, your unique perspective can contribute to tangible solutions

This event will be in-person and virtual live-streaming.

Note: The building has stairs to get into the unit. There are no elevators/lifts.

Food/Drinks will be provided to in-person participants.

Event Disclaimer:
Because this event is in person, you acknowledge the below by coming to this event.

I acknowledge and understand that: (i) I am not required to participate in this event; (ii) my participation is voluntary and at my sole risk; and (iii) I am responsible for my own protection against Covid-19, including, without limitation, following all health and safety protocols communicated to me or posted at the event venue.

MIT Alums:

Please make sure you are a current member of our club before registering. If you are unsure please ask or if you would like to join MIT Club of Northern California, click here.

Event Closed

Date and Time

Monday, October 02, 2023
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM PT

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370 7th Street, Unit #12
San Francisco, CA, 94103

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Primary Contact

Pegah Ebrahimi

Secondary Contact
Tina Laungani


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Bike Ride: Mount Hamilton and Lick Observatory

Bike Ride: Mount Hamilton and Lick Observatory

Sat, Jul 27 9:00 am PT

280 Mt Hamilton Rd, San Jose, CA, 95140

Info and Registration

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