MIT Department of Biology Class

Affiliate Event
COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2 and the Pandemic
Sep 08 - Virtual Event

In Fall 2020, all MIT students and the general public are welcome to join Professors Richard Young and Facundo Batista as they discuss the science of the pandemic during this new class. Special guest speakers include: Anthony Fauci, David Baltimore, Britt Glaunsinger, Bruce Walker, Eric Lander, Michel Nussenzweig, Akiko Iwasaki, Arlene Sharpe, Kizzmekia Corbett, and others. The class will run from September 1, 2020 through December 8, 2020 and begin each Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. PT.

The class is open to all MIT students, as well as any eligible cross-registered students. The live stream will be available to the public, but only registered students may ask questions during the Q&A. To view the live stream, click on this link and type in the password: mit-covid.

Event Closed

Date and Time

Tuesday, September 08, 2020
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM PT

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Bike Ride: Mount Hamilton and Lick Observatory

Sat, Jul 27 9:00 am PT

280 Mt Hamilton Rd, San Jose, CA, 95140

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