COVID-19 Front Lines - Situation & Response
Apr 17 - Virtual Event

During this time, we've found that the MIT Alumni community coming together, and there is no one more that we'd love to hear from than our very own making a Better World.

"MIT Alumni Front Lines" series brings forward amazing members of the MIT community who are doing some excellent work fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our second guest is Sudeb Dalai. He is Class of '02 Alum (BS Course 9), former Trustee on the MIT Corporation, and currently a Stanford Infectious Disease Physician on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic at Stanford Hospital and Palo Alto Medical Foundation. He is also a Medical Director at Karius, an Infectious Disease diagnostics startup helping to address the diagnostic gaps in the pandemic.

MITCNC alums: Please make sure you are a current member of the club before registering. If you are unsure or would like to join the club, click here.

MIT CLUBS OUTSIDE OF CNC: Please ask your club representative for a special code for discounted pricing to this event
Event Closed

Date and Time

Friday, April 17, 2020
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PT

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Bike Ride: Mount Hamilton and Lick Observatory

Bike Ride: Mount Hamilton and Lick Observatory

Sat, Jul 27 9:00 am PT

280 Mt Hamilton Rd, San Jose, CA, 95140

Info and Registration

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