[Virtual Event] Cooking Hangout
Apr 10 - Virtual Event

Tired of ordering out every day? Last meal cooked didn’t quite turn out as expected? Need some meal prep ideas? Love to cook?

Join us for a hangout focused on all things food & cooking!  Come with your questions or favorite recipes or just your interest in food. We can even reminisce about the days when we used to dine out at our favorite restaurants.

About the host: MIT alum Patricia Liu was a technology consultant at Accenture for 10 years before deciding to go to culinary school. She subsequently became a professional cook and has worked in the kitchens of Michelin-starred restaurants, such as The French Laundry, Atelier Crenn, Restaurant Gary Danko, and State Bird Provisions.

In exchange for the value you receive from this event, we ask that you make a donation (in an amount of your choosing) to the MIT Covid-19 Response Funds.

MITCNC alums: Please make sure you are a current member of the club before registering. If you are unsure or would like to join the club, click here.

MIT CLUBS OUTSIDE OF CNC: Please ask your club representative for a special code for discounted pricing to this event
Event Closed

Date and Time

Friday, April 10, 2020
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PT

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Primary Contact

Patricia Liu

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Bike Ride: Mount Hamilton and Lick Observatory

Bike Ride: Mount Hamilton and Lick Observatory

Sat, Jul 27 9:00 am PT

280 Mt Hamilton Rd, San Jose, CA, 95140

Info and Registration

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