Club of Boston Event

Affiliate Event
BSS: Dean Nergis Mavalvala - Gravitational waves: a new window into the Universe
Oct 28 - Virtual Event

Please join us on line for a virtual Boston Seminar Series Event on Wednesday, October 28 at 7 PM!


Gravitational waves: a new window into the Universe

The first ever detections of gravitational waves from colliding black holes and neutron stars have launched a new era of gravitational wave astrophysics. I will describe the science, technology, and human story behind these discoveries that provide a completely new window into some of the most violent and warped events in the Universe, and are helping to solve decades-long mysteries.

MITCNC Members: Please email Patricia for the discount code

Event Closed

Date and Time

Wednesday, October 28, 2020
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM PT

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Virtual Event

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MIT Club of Boston

Meghan Jendrysik


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Bike Ride: Mount Hamilton and Lick Observatory

Bike Ride: Mount Hamilton and Lick Observatory

Sat, Jul 27 9:00 am PT

280 Mt Hamilton Rd, San Jose, CA, 95140

Info and Registration

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