Are Electric Vehicles at a Tipping Point?
Mar 15 - Peninsula

Hear from top players in the field about the state of the industry!

Sven Beiker – Moderator & Keynote Speaker, Stanford GSB
Pat Romano – CEO, Chargepoint
Fred Kim – R&D Group Manager, Daimler Benz
Albert Liu – Director of Battery Technology, Lucid Motors

$30 MITCNC members, $45 non-members
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Electric vehicles are set to overcome historic and significant hurdles: sticker price, range anxiety and limited model options. Annual sales are forecasted to jump from 1% today to 25% in 2030 and cross 50% by 2040. Nearly every major car maker has announced new models for EVs. By 2020, there will be 44 models of EVs available in North America.

Please join us for a lively panel discussion with diverse electric vehicle experts as they provide their take on the future of the industry and tackle tough questions like:

  • What are the remaining technical, economic and political hurdles that will impact the mass adoption of EVs?
  • Charging infrastructure vs EVs – the chicken and the egg problem. What’s the right amount and mix of charging infrastructure?
  • Connected, Autonomous, Shared and Electric – How important is “electric” to this futuristic concept?
  • When will EVs be cheaper to own than conventional internal combustion engine vehicles?
  • Battery costs have fallen 74% since 2010 – what other technology opportunities exist, i.e. new battery chemistry, economies of scale?
  • China’s EV targets outpace Europe and the US. What are the implications for traditional automakers and Silicon Valley startups?
  • California’s latest Executive Order targets 5 million EVs on the road by 2030. How do we get there?

Questions?  Please contact Bessma Aljarbou

Event Closed

Date and Time

Thursday, March 15, 2018
6:30 PM - 9:30 PM PT

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